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CSR approach

CSR approach

Launched in September 2015 by the UN, the Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty by 2030 while protecting the planet. As a company and as a national network, Aquatiris has a decisive role to play in contributing to this collective effort.

Sharing big ideas

CSR approach

Aquatiris is a member of ID Initiatives Durables (Sustainable Initiatives), a national network of players committed to the responsible development of businesses and regions. Their goal is to promote the excellence of economic players by bringing together, supporting and promoting their members committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

ID Initiatives Durables has also developed expertise in leading industrial and territorial ecology (ITE) initiatives and is a pioneer in the economy of functionality and cooperation (EFC).

Our three pillars

Our Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) approach allows us to help build a sustainable future while ensuring the performance and stability of the network.

Sanitation Garden 10

Our environmental approach

  • Proximity: local representatives as close to our customers as possible thanks to our franchise organisation.
  • Green products: no tank or emptying is necessary for our sanitation solutions.
  • Respect for nature: respect for man and nature is integrated into the construction of our products.
  • Materials: our products come from recycling channels as much as possible.
  • Origin of aggregates and plants: the aggregates and plants used come from each customer’s region.
  • Communication media: partnership with an ISO 14001 certified printer, FSC paper and Imprim’Vert green printing.
  • Promotional gifts: made in France, natural materials (wood, cotton, wool, etc.), recycled materials.
  • At the Aquatiris headquarters: a commitment in our daily actions (cooking on site, composting, filtering water from the tap, etc.).
Network Aquatiris 3

Our social and societal approach

  • Constructive relationships: strong interaction with employees and franchisees by implementing tools to promote dialogue and the transmission of information across the network.
  • Increase in skills: encouraging employees to take training, welcoming apprentices and trainees.
  • Employee involvement: profit-sharing agreement.
  • RQTH employment: professional integration of people with disabilities.
  • Moments of sharing: fruit basket every week, organic community kitchen.
  • Well-being at work: break rooms, fitness, music, etc.
  • Patronage, sponsorship: support for meaningful actions on a national scale.
Biodiversity 3

Our economic approach

  • Franchise network: participating in the revival of the local economy through our presence in the countryside and provinces.
  • Suppliers: a healthy and close relationship with our suppliers, short circuits.
  • Made in France: favouring French partners and products made in France.
  • Research and development: we push for innovation every day.

Calculez les économies de Gaz à Effet de Serre réalisées.

Tout comme les milliers de propriétaires déjà conquis, vous vous direz, vous aussi, que oui, la nature fait bien mieux les choses.

L’équivalent-habitant est une unité de mesure définie en France par l’article R2224-6 du Code général des collectivités territoriales. Pour équiper une maison avec un système d’assainissement non collectif, l’arrêté du 7 mars 2012 stipule la règle 1 EH (équivalent-habitant) = 1 PP (pièce principale). L’article R.111-1-1 définit une pièce principale comme étant une unité destinée au séjour ou au sommeil, excluant ainsi les pièces de service (cuisines, cabinets d’aisance, salles d’eau, etc.).

La nature fait bien (mieux) les choses

Parce qu'il est végétalisé, votre assainissement Aquatiris évitera l'émission de kg CO2e sur 50 ans *. Dans le même temps, son procédé à l'air libre émet kg CO2e de moins qu'un assainissement classique **. Grâce à Aquatiris, vous réduirez donc votre empreinte carbone de kg de CO2e.

Ce qui équivaut à :

kms parcourus en voiture thermique
heures de streaming sur un PC portable

100 % de nos assainissements sont des jardins

Curieux d'en savoir plus sur nos solutions ?

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*Source Alternative Carbone ACV dynamique de la RE2020 ** Dans cette étude, l'assainissement classique de référence est le dispositif fosse toutes eaux + filtre à sable.

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