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Green sanitation with no tank or emptying for the non-collective with collective sanitation in mind

Our network is made up of 70 passionate experts and 200 experienced installers who work to complete your tailor-made project. What are the keys to the success of our local support? Close collaboration with you and adapting our sanitation solutions to your needs and wishes.

Aquatiris 20

Historical reference in phyto-purification

Innovative, pioneering and dynamic, Aquatiris is the national reference and leader in phyto-purification. We are recognised by official bodies (Public Service for Non-Collective Wastewater Treatment (SPANC), Regional Health Agencies (ARS), Ministries, etc.) and participate in the various working groups organised by these bodies to put our experience in Non-Collective Sanitation (NCS) and our expertise in phyto-purification at the service of the profession.


Technical performance

According to a 2017 study conducted by IRSTEA (French research laboratory for the Ministries of Health and the Environment), the Sanitation Garden – Iris Line – are recognised as the best sanitation system, as they obtained the best score.

  •  They are the most efficient and reliable approved channel, thus reflecting our demand for quality and sustainability.
Marketing and innovation

Research and development

We are constantly seeking to improve our knowledge of phyto-purification, the quality of our products and our environmental impact. That is why we have an R&D unit to broaden the application of our sanitation solutions while improving our eco-record.

  • A research programme to broaden the application of our sanitation solutions.
Presentation of the Aquaplus trophy to Aquatiris - December 2018 © Agence Oblique - Tanguy de Montesson

Aquaplus label

The Aquaplus label is dedicated to Non-Collective Sanitation (NCS) professionals to distinguish companies that are committed to sustainable development while respecting quality, safety, the environment and social policy. Aquatiris obtained this label in 2018 with the best score!

Avis technique

Technical opinion

The Technical Opinion or ATec is awarded to systems that meet the scientific and technical reliability requirements on the suitability for use of innovative construction processes. It is issued after examination by a specialised group made up of experts representing the professions, under the scientific monitoring of the CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building).
The ATec allows the recognition of the construction technique for its application and its recognition by construction insurance companies.
Aquatiris obtained the ATec for the Iris Line in 2018.

Our commitments

Our mission: act to protect nature

Calculez les économies de Gaz à Effet de Serre réalisées.

Tout comme les milliers de propriétaires déjà conquis, vous vous direz, vous aussi, que oui, la nature fait bien mieux les choses.

L’équivalent-habitant est une unité de mesure définie en France par l’article R2224-6 du Code général des collectivités territoriales. Pour équiper une maison avec un système d’assainissement non collectif, l’arrêté du 7 mars 2012 stipule la règle 1 EH (équivalent-habitant) = 1 PP (pièce principale). L’article R.111-1-1 définit une pièce principale comme étant une unité destinée au séjour ou au sommeil, excluant ainsi les pièces de service (cuisines, cabinets d’aisance, salles d’eau, etc.).

La nature fait bien (mieux) les choses

Votre Jardin d'Assainissement évitera l'émission de CO2eq sur 50 ans *, alors que l'assainissement des eaux usées émet CO2eq dans le même temps **. Grâce à votre Jardin d'Assainissement, vous réduirez donc votre empreinte carbone de kg de CO2eq.

Ce qui équivaut à :

kms parcourus en voiture thermique
heures de streaming sur un PC portable

100 % de nos assainissements sont des jardins

Curieux d'en savoir plus sur nos solutions ?

Nous contacter
*Source Alternative Carbone sur la base de la méthode d'ACV dynamique de la RE2020 ** Source étude CITEPA sur les GES du secteur du traitement des eaux usées.

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