Sanitation Gardens
Easy to maintain, sustainable and perfectly integrated into your landscaped space.
No tank – No emptying – No odour – No mosquitoes
Aquatiris designs and installs Jardins d’Assainissement. These systems, approved by the Ministries of Health and the Environment, adapt to the number of inhabitants, the type of soil and the type of toilets in the dwelling (“conventional” toilets or dry toilets), as well as the owners’ wishes in terms of landscaping. Your Aquatiris expert will be able to recommend the solution that suits you best.
Roseau Line and Iris Line
An approved sector
Did you know? How do the Ministries of Health and the Environment grant approval?
All new sanitation systems are scrutinised by a scientific verification protocol.
There are two different protocols:
- The European CE marking: this is a simplified protocol which tests the system for 38 weeks under normal operating conditions.
- The French protocol: this is a reinforced inspection of the system. The test lasts for 44 weeks and envisages more difficult conditions, such as emptied bathtubs, prolonged absences (when you go on holiday, for example), significant overloads (when you invite the whole family over), and repeated fits and starts (when the children are showering and the washing machine or dishwasher is running at the same time). In short, conditions much closer to reality in a house than the European protocol!
You will have guessed that the European protocol is much easier and faster to pass, and almost all the manufacturers of sanitation systems sold on the market have chosen it, including us for our Sanitation Garden – Roseaux Line.
“But did you know that the Sanitation Garden – Iris Line is almost the only one to have followed the French protocol?”
And that’s not all – it’s the only one to have achieved a perfect score throughout the duration of the test! We’re more than just a little proud! That explains why the Iris Line obtained the highest score in the study carried out by the French research laboratory specialising in sanitation (IRSTEA) during its 2017 on site study (with private individuals in real living conditions).
Consult the Official Journal:
- Approval for the FV + FH sector (two filters) n°2011-022 mod03 and 2011-022 mod03 ext01 to 2011-022 mod03 ext19
- Approval for the FV sector (one filter) n°2014-014 mod02 and 2014-014 mod02 ext01 to 2014-014 mod02 ext19
Compact configuration for this Sanitation Garden – Iris Line intended for a 5-bedroom house. The flower filter is attached to the reed filter, with the addition of a decorative rockery (on the right in the photo) to make it even prettier!